Impact a generation in desperate need

Their home nation has been in economic turmoil and social upheaval for years — millions have fled their homes while those who remain struggle for survival amidst shortages and chaos.

Local churches are reaching out to the next generation with the light of Christ … and as you provide the Gospel, you’ll be helping to reach young people in Venezuela for the Kingdom of Jesus!

    Our church partners use a children’s Scripture book, The Book of Hope, organize after-school clubs, and show OneHope youth films to help young people personally connect to the Savior. Amazingly, we can reach one child with the Good News for just 33¢.

    This means every $1 gets God’s Word to 3 children and youth. How many will you reach today? How many children will you introduce to Jesus?

    You can make Jesus make sense for these children who are in great need. Please give generously now, for the sake of the children. Thank you!